Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Oxidative Resistance of Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEX) Pipe, Tubing and Systems to Hot Chlorinated Water
Environment or oxidative time-to-fail data derived from this test method, analyzed in accordance with Section 13, are suitable for extrapolation to typical end-use temperatures and hoop stresses. The extrapolated value(s) provides a relative indication of the resistance of the tested PEX pipe or tubing or system to the oxidative effects of hot, chlorinated water for conditions equivalent to those conditions under which the test data were obtained. The performance of a material or piping product under actual conditions of installation and use is dependent upon a number of factors including installation methods, use patterns, water quality, nature and magnitude of localized stresses, and other variables of an actual, operating hot-and-cold water distribution system that are not addressed in this test method. As such, the extrapolated values do not constitute a representation that a PEX tube or system with a given extrapolated time-to-failure value will perform for that period of time under actual use conditions.