This standard describes underground installation and hydrostatic testing procedures for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or molecularly oriented polyvinyl chloride (PVCO) pressure pipe and fittings that comply with either ANSI/AWWA C900, ANSI/AWWA C905, ANSI/AWWA C907, or ANSI/AWWA C909. These plastic components are installed in piping systems that may contain components made from other materials. It may be necessary to supplement this standard with provisions for special requirements not included in this standard (see foreword, Sec. III). Such special requirements should be specified by the purchaser with input from the purchaser’s engineering consultant(s), product manufacturer(s), and/or supplier(s). Major changes made to the standard in this revision include the following: permeation requirements were moved to the Special Issues section of the foreword; Molecularly Oriented Polyvinyl Chloride (PVCO) pipe has been included (Sec. 1.1); soil classification requirements were added to Figure 1; trenchless construction requirements were added (Sec. 7.3); Fused Joints are addressed (Sec. 8.5.6); tapping sleeves and valve requirements were added (Sec. 9.4.3); notice was added to bring the user’s attention to the possibility that compliance with this standard may require use of an invention covered by patent rights (Sec 8.5.6); Butt Fusion Inspection Requirements are addressed (Sec.; hydrostatic pressure testing requirements were changed to include the following: “not less than 1.5 times the stated sustained working pressure at the lowest elevation of the test section” shall be required (Sec. 10.3.5); and Notice of Nonconformance requirements was added (Sec. 10.5).